Can I bring a class to the library to get silent reading (SSR) books?


Yes, we love to receive classes! 

Please schedule an instruction session to ensure the librarian and classroom space are reserved. We typically close the library for other activities to provide undivided attention to your students. No instructional planning meeting is necessary to schedule the library for a class visit for SSR.

Free reading experiences and unstructured time to roam and explore the collections are vital to student learning. Library staff understand this and will be on hand (but *seemingly* unengaged) to allow students to explore and make their own choices. We are always available to consult.

If appropriate for your class, consider bringing the SSR experience alive for your students by collaborating with your librarian in advance. With advanced planning, the librarian can help expand their reading horizons with a micro-lesson (20 minutes). For example, she can teach students one or two of the following skills: 

  • search the catalog and introduce the genres / sublocations of the library (First year)
  • place holds on books and view student accounts (First year)
  • search eBook / Audiobook collections and understand why they are in distinct "catalogs" (First year)
  • use book recommender services and create accounts to begin to develop their own reading interests (First year)
  • use book recommender services to participate in social reading (Sophomore)
  • introduce Interlibrary loan services at local libraries as a means of expanding their reading horizons (First year/Sophomore)
  • find books in local public libraries, place holds, and use Interlibrary Loan Services (Sophomore)
  • search open access eBook collections (Junior/Senior)
  • intro to college libraries and worldwide library catalogs (Junior/Senior)
  • intro to saving money on books, at college and for life (Junior/Senior)



  • Last Updated Sep 12, 2024
  • Views 11
  • Answered By Emily Stambaugh

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