How do I reserve the library classroom space at lunch time for a club or event?




Make your reservation online on the library website.

Find the "Schedule an Instruction Session" option

This option can be found under Teacher Services in the library's hamburger menu or on the Library Events and Reservations Calendar ("Book an Instruction Session" button.) 

  1. Choose an available Date
  2. Select "Lunch"
  3. Click on "Submit Times"
  4. Enter your name, email and "Library Instruction". Provide the name of the event, teacher/advisor last name, and any brief setup instructions so that we can be prepared for your group when you arrive.   

For example, "MardiGras Event (Smith), microphone, speakers, projector, screen, podiums"

If approved, your event will appear in the "View all CVHS Bookings" list on the library calendar.

Please also review the library policy for food in the library and ensure that ALL ATTENDEES (students, teachers, staff) TAKE THE PLEDGE and SIGN UP FOR TWO AFTER SCHOOL SERVICE DAYS at the library to help keep it clean. Please have your guests do this in advance so we don't use your meeting time to get everyone signed up.

  • Last Updated Sep 12, 2024
  • Views 35
  • Answered By Emily Stambaugh

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